So, you have a phpBB forum up and running, you have configured it to use the local mail function (rather than SMTP!), everything works fine, and then one day, whenever someone posts something, they get this error message:
Failed sending email :: PHP ::


Line : 234

File : emailer.php

What causes this?
If this has worked for you before, and you suddenly start seeing the above mentioned error message, chances are that one (or more) of the email adresses you're trying to send to is (no longer) a reachable email address.
(The forum tries to send post notifications to forum users who subscribed ('watch this topic') to a certain topic)
(Note, even in the case of a bad email address causing this error, the notification is still being sent to all the 'correct' email addresses)

What is the most obvious solution
Find the offending email address and either correct it or remove it.

What is a more permanent, yet simple, solution?
The 'obvious' solution has two drawbacks::
So, here's a more permanent fix:
Just ignore the result of php's mail function! You simply don't care whether people's email addresses are good or bad!
To do this, follow the following simple steps:

What is a slightly more elegant solution?
Instead of adding two slashes, move the whole 'if' block between comment directives (/* */), like this:
		// Did it work?
		if (!$result)
			message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Failed sending email :: ' .
				(($this->use_smtp) ? 'SMTP' : 'PHP') . ' :: '
				. $result, '', __LINE__, __FILE__);

What is an even more advanced, yet simple, solution?
Fixing the offending enail address doesn't prevent the error from popping up again the next tine an email address goes bad. Also, which email address is it?
But just preventing the error message, however, leaves you unaware of bad email addresses.
The next, more advanced (but still simple) solution helps with both:
To implement this, replace the above mentioned code block with the following (cut/paste from here!):
		// Did it work?
		if (!$result)
			$this->extra_headers =
				(($this->reply_to != '') ? "Reply-to: $this->reply_to\n" : '')
				. (($this->from != '') ? "From: $this->from\n" : "From: "
				. $board_config['board_email'] . "\n")
				. "Return-Path: " . $board_config['board_email']
				. "\n";

			$result = @mail( $board_config['board_email'],
				"Forum bad email addresses",
				"List of email addresses: at least one is unreachable!\n\n"
				. "to: ".$to."\n\n".(($cc != '') ? "Cc: $cc\n" : '')
				. (($bcc != '') ? "Bcc: $bcc\n" : ''),
Or download the entire patched emailer.php file HERE (select 'Emailer').
Note: the above download is compatible with phpBB versions 2.0.18 to 2.0.22. If you have something older ... consider upgrading first!

Did this fix your problem?
Tell me about it!
Read other people's comments

Bad email addresses may not be the only cause for the infamous 'Line: 234' error. But it IS the most common cause, ESPECIALLY when this used to work fine for you. If you verified all email addresses and they are all correct, check your 'From' address: most hosters mandate the From address to be in the same domain that you're sending from. (They may just have changed their policy!)
And then there is, of course, always the slight chance, that there IS something wrong with your hoster's mail functionality. But your best bet is: a 'bad' email address is being used somewhere.